We can help, no matter where your matter is. Our attorneys work with clients on cases and projects across the United States, and even globally. And technology makes it easier than ever to work closely together without being in the same physical location.
Many of our attorneys are licensed to practice in multiple states. Most of our Kansas City attorneys and many Wichita attorneys are licensed in both Kansas and Missouri and regularly practice in both states. And we have several attorneys who are licensed to practice in neighboring or large states, including Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Iowa, as well as Florida and North Dakota. Foulston attorneys are licensed in the following states.
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Colorado
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Illinois
- Wisconsin
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Idaho
- Iowa
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Pennsylvania
- California
Even where not licensed, our attorneys are regularly admitted pro hac vice (working with an attorney licensed in that state), whether in state or federal court – from California to Florida. Because we are a member of four networks of leading law firms across the United States, we can always find and associate with suitable and appropriate legal counsel globally.
Physical Offices
Kansas City
7500 College Boulevard, Suite 1400
Overland Park, KS 66210-4041
Phone: 913.498.2100
Fax: 913.498.2101
822 S. Kansas Avenue, Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66612-1203
Phone: 785.233.3600
Fax: 785.233.1610
1551 N. Waterfront Parkway, Suite 100
Wichita, KS 67206-4466
Phone: 316.267.6371
Fax: 316.267.6345